In China Heritage we celebrate the vital aspects of the Chinese tradition both by introducing readers to Nouvelle Chinoiserie 奇趣漢學, as well as by adding to our long-term advocacy of New Sinology 後漢學, which we first articulated in 2005. Previously we have illustrated this way of appreciating contemporary China in the context of the tradition in the series New Sinology Jottings 後漢學劄記. We also publish translations related to contemporary Chinese politics and culture.
What’s useful about New Sinology? As we have previously observed:
Today’s corporatised education system too often leaves students of China well versed in the professions, but unable to understand with ease and fluency the wellsprings of what China is today. Deprived of the broader linguistic and cultural context, they are ill-equipped to understand, translate or engage with such daily essentials as online discussions, coded commentaries or sometimes even newspaper headlines, let alone the myriad traditional concepts used by Chinese thinkers, politicians, economists and strategists in articulating China’s sense of itself and its new place in the world. …
New Sinology advocates an approach to contemporary China that appreciates the overculture of the dominant Chinese Communist Party and what, through ideology, its policies, the mass media, the education system and its internal and global propaganda efforts the Party promotes as Official China. It also inducts those engaged with China into the particularities of Translated China, that is the versions of China advocated by the Party authorities through their selective approach to and interpretation of the Chinese world, be it in the contemporary context or that of the tradition or the twentieth century.
Today, the Xi Jinping-era version of The China Story claims to be the sole legitimate way to understand China, both present and past. Many writers, journalists and academics, be they inside China or overseas, strain to hear, report, create stories or translate the polyphony of voices, the jostling of ideas, aspirations and the melding of the traditional with the contemporary that can inform an engaged yet independent appreciation of the Chinese world unencumbered by Communist Party dogma. It is the task of China’s Communist Party organs like People’s Daily to corral a Chinese multiverse that is constantly threatening to break out of the prison of words. Through our advocacy of New Sinology we hope to aid and abet people to appreciate better the limits of that party-prison.
In the following lessons, we also discuss the kinds of literary-historical-intellectual 文史哲 usage and allusions used in contemporary writing that add both literary validation and strength to prose that appeals both to the heart and the mind of the Chinese world. Merely to mine this kind of writing for transient and ill-conceived political purposes, or to fail to appreciate the broader cultural, social and political ambience that it reflects — one far beyond the limited purview of the Communists and their immediate critics — is to overlook an essential part of Chinese cultural expression.
— The Editor
Lessons in New Sinology
- Geremie R. Barmé, Living with Xi Dada’s China — Making Choices and Cutting Deals (16 December 2016), published in China Heritage, 20 July 2017
- The Editor, Mendacious, Hyperbolic & Fatuous — an ill wind from People’s Daily, China Heritage, 10 July 2018
- The Editor and Others, It’s Time to Talk About Evening Talks at Yanshan 燕山夜話, China Heritage, 20 July 2018
- Tired of Winning Yet, China? — The Band Slap Has Some News for You, China Heritage, 14 June 2023
- The Muzak of the Chinese Holocaust — Azalea Mountain on the Party’s birthday, 1 July 2023, China Heritage, 4 July 2023
- The Topsy-turvy Country — China’s Summer Hit, China Heritage, 28 July 2023
Homo Xinensis
- The Editor and Lee Yee 李怡, Deathwatch for a Chairman, China Heritage, 17 July 2018
- The Editor and Others, Drop Your Pants! The Party Wants to Patriotise You All Over Again (Part I) — Ruling The Rivers & Mountains, China Heritage, 8 August 2018
- The Editor and Others, The Party Empire — Drop Your Pants! The Party Wants to Patriotise You All Over Again (Part II), China Heritage, 17 August 2018
- The Editor and Others, Homo Xinensis — Drop Your Pants! The Party Wants to Patriotise You All Over Again (Part III), China Heritage, 31 August 2018
- Geremie R. Barmé, A People’s Banana Republic, China Heritage, 5 September 2018, also published as Peak Xi Jinping?, ChinaFile, 4 September 2018
- The Editor and Others, Homo Xinensis Ascendant — Drop Your Pants! The Party Wants to Patriotise You All Over Again (Part IV), China Heritage, 16 September 2018
- The Editor and Others, Homo Xinensis Militant — Drop Your Pants! The Party Wants to Patriotise You All Over Again (Part V), China Heritage, 1 October 2018
The Fourth of June 1989, 2019
- Various hands, ‘Tiananmen 1989 — Three Decades Behind China’s Gate of Darkness (June Fourth, 1989-2019)’, China Heritage, 31 May 2019
- Various, ‘A Writer’s Desk & the Vastness of China — 1989, 2019’, China Heritage, 4 June 2019
- Various, ‘Rumour — a Pipe Blown by Surmises, Jealousies, Conjectures’, China Heritage, 7 June 2019
- Eugene Wang, Jianying Zha, G.R. Barmé, ‘China’s 1980s and its Denouement on 4 June 1989’, China Heritage, 10 June 2019
Xu Zhangrun Essays
- Xu Zhangrun 許章潤, ‘Imminent Fears, Immediate Hopes — a Beijing Jeremiad’ 我們當下的恐懼與期待, introduced and translated with notes by Geremie R. Barmé, China Heritage, 1 August 2018
- Xu Zhangrun 許章潤, ‘And Teachers, Then? They Just Do Their Thing!’, introduced, translated and annotated by Geremie R. Barmé, China Heritage, 10 November 2018
- Xu Zhangrun 許章潤, ‘To Summon a Wandering Soul’, China Heritage, 28 November 2018
- Various, ‘A Writer’s Desk & the Vastness of China — 1989, 2019’, China Heritage, 4 June 2019
After the Future in China
Xu Zhangrun’s Triptych for Today
- Geremie R. Barmé, The Pirouette of Time — Introduction to ‘After the Future in China’, China Heritage, 28 January 2019
- Xu Zhangrun 許章潤, ‘Humble Recognition, Boundless Possibility — Part I’, trans. and annotated by Geremie R. Barmé, China Heritage, 31 January 2019
- Xu Zhangrun 許章潤, ‘The State of a Civilisation — Humble Recognition, Boundless Possibility, Part II’, China Heritage, 8 March 2019
- Xu Zhangrun 許章潤, ‘China’s Red Empire — To Be or Not To Be’ (Translatio Imperii Sinici I), introduced and trans. G.R. Barmé, China Heritage, 16 January 2019
Viral Alarm
- The Editor, ‘Xu Zhangrun & China’s Former People’, China Heritage, 13 July 2020
- The Editor, ‘無可奈何 — So It Goes’, China Heritage, 6 July 2020
- Xu Zhangrun 許章潤, ‘In Memoriam — Shrouds of Ice on a River Incarnadine’, China Heritage, 4 June 2020
- Tsang Chi-ho 曾志豪 and Lee Yee 李怡, ‘The Mandela Effect — The Unquiet End of Hong Kong Headliner’, China Heritage, 24 May 2020
- Xu Zhangrun 許章潤, ‘Remonstrating with Beijing — Xu Zhangrun’s Advice to China’s National People’s Congress, 21 May 2020’, China Heritage, 21 May 2020
- Nikolai Gumilev and Anna Akhmatova, ‘Two Poems for 4 May 2020 from Roger Pulvers Reads’, China Heritage, 18 May 2020
- Various hands, ‘Mangling May Fourth 2020 in Washington’, China Heritage, 14 May 2020
- Various hands, ‘Mangling May Fourth 2020 in Beijing’, China Heritage, 8 May 2020
- Josh Rudolf, comp., ‘Wolves Everywhere Under Heaven — China’s Covid-19 Global Diplomacy’, China Heritage, 3 May 2020
- Zi Zhongyun 資中筠, ‘1900 & 2020 — An Old Anxiety in a New Era’, China Heritage, 28 April 2020
- Li Zehua 李澤華, ‘Holding Fast’, China Heritage, 23 April 2020
- Tsering Woeser and Ian Boyden, ‘Poems from a Plague — a Tibetan Meditation’, China Heritage, 18 April 2020
- ‘A Shared Perigean Moon’, China Heritage, 8 April 2020
- ‘The Heart of The One Grows Ever More Arrogant and Proud’, China Heritage, 10 March 2020
China’s Heart of Darkness
Prince Han Fei & Chairman Xi Jinping
Jianying Zha 查建英
- Prologue: ‘Qin Shihuang + Marx’, 14 July 2020
- Part I: ‘The Dark Prince’, 16 July 2020
- Part II: ‘Mao’s Abiding Legacy’, 18 July 2020
- Part III: ‘The Revenant Han Fei’, 20 July 2020
- Part IV: ‘The End of the Beginning’ & ‘Chairman Xi Jinping’s New Clothes, an editorial postscript’, 22 July 2020
Dasheng’s Little Lectures
Liu Chan 劉蟾
- On Rumours & Lies — Dasheng’s Little Lectures, 16 January 2023
- Brainwashing vs. Educating — Dasheng’s Little Lectures, 17 January 2023
- Resisting Cultural Capture — Dasheng’s Little Lectures, 18 January 2023
- In the Eyes of the Beholder — Dasheng’s Little Lectures, 19 January 2023