Australia’s Unfinished Twentieth Century

Celebrating New Sinology 時過境遷 This chapter in Celebrating New Sinology, which is the theme of China Heritage Annual 2025, features the text of lunch-time remarks that I made in May 2015 at a meeting of China Matters, a Sydney based government adjacent think tank (now defunct).… Read

Qualis rex, talis grex

Contra Trump 臣弒其君,可乎   On 6 November 2020, the day of Donald Trump’s defeat in the presidential election, we published A Trumpty Dumpty Denouement. It was a prelude to China Heritage Annual 2021 which was titled Spectres & Souls — Vignettes, moments and meditations on China and America, 1861-2021.… Read

Loitering in this Dusty Realm — paintings and poems by Lao Shu

The Other China 書畫古今聚復散   Lao Shu 老樹 is the nom de plume of Liu Shuyong (劉樹勇, 1962-), a Beijing-based artist, writer, critic and professor in communications. His artistic voice is unique and personal, its tenor, whimsy and profundity evoke what for decades we have called The Other China — a cultural noosphere that is as undeniably local as it is universal.… Read

Gödel’s Loophole and American’s ‘Cultural Revolution’

Contra Trump 造反有理 Zhang Qianfan (張千帆, 1964-) is a professor of constitutional law at Peking University. Readers of China Heritage first encountered him in The Professor, a University & the Rule of Law, a chapter in Xu Zhangrun Case which details Xu’s critiques of the Xi Jinping era, the persecution he has suffered since 2018 and the support he has received by colleagues and people of conscience in China.… Read