Spectres in the Seventh Month, 30 August 2023

New Sinology Jottings 中元節   The Fifteenth Day of the Seventh Lunar Month 七月十五 is called variously Zhongyuan 中元節, Half Month 七月半 and Ullambana (उल्लम्बन; 盂蘭盆節, or simply 盂蘭節). It is a calendrical juncture during which elements of Taoist and Buddhist belief mix, both for the salve of the quick and the uplift of the dead.… Read

A Sermon for the Times

Xu Zhangrun Archive 殉道 Two years ago, we revisited Xu Zhangrun’s blistering critique of Xi Jinping and his rule. We quoted the preamble of Imminent Fears, Immediate Hopes, the lacerating analysis that Professor Xu originally released in July 2018.… Read

The Seventh Night of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Month

New Sinology Jottings 七夕 Separation from loved ones, reuniting with old friends, the reunion of families, happy couples, the sorrow of missed opportunities, anger over frustrated missteps in life… . These are all themes in Chinese culture reflected in such expressions as: 生死離別、悲歡離合、陰差陽錯、 兩地相思、 兩地分居、月圓之夜、月圓花好, and so on.… Read

Ukraine Watching China Watching Ukraine

Watching China Watching   In this chapter of Watching China Watching we feature an interview by David Bandurski of China Media Project (CMP) with Vita Golod, Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Association of Sinologists, an independent think tank.… Read

Voices from The Other China — Ten Podcasts & Twenty YouTube Channels

The Other China 眾說紛紜   This chapter in The Other China consists of two parts. In the first, we offer an idiosyncratic selection of twenty Chinese-language YouTube channels. The second section features ten podcasts recommended by Andrew Methven, creator of Slow Chinese 每週漫聞, a unique guide to modern Chinese that is suited both to beginners and advanced learners of the spoken and written language.… Read