Time’s Arrows

Xi Jinping’s Empire of Tedium Chapter XXXIV, Part I 無往而不復   Chapter Thirty-four of Xi Jinping’s Empire of Tedium, the penultimate chapter in the collection, features a series of essays related to China’s intellectual life and its stillborn public sphere.… Read

Emperor One Direction — Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping’s Empire of Tedium 指明方向   指明帝 zhǐmíng dì: From 2015, Chinese state media has repeatedly declared that Xi Jinping is a leader who ‘indicates the way ahead’ 指明方向 not only for China, but for the whole world.… Read

Kinship of the Soul

Intersecting with Eternity 心心相印   Intersecting with Eternity is an occasional series in The Tower of Reading that features essays, poems, art works, music, video and miscellanea that speak beyond their time.… Read

An Ascension

Intersecting with Eternity 天籟之音   June Fourth 2024 marks the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Beijing Massacre. It was an event that had a monumental impact on the fate of China, as well as on the future of the world.… Read

Why Is Chinese So Boring?

Xi Jinping’s Empire of Tedium 舙   Catherine Churchman 龔雅華, historian, linguist and artist, teaches at Victoria University of Wellington. She wrote the following essay — ‘Why fewer people want to learn Mandarin’— for China Heritage in response to discussions about the local realities of a pedagogical conundrum that is recognised widely in the Anglophone world.… Read