Beijing Days, Beijing Nights, May 1989

Spectres & Souls This is a companion piece to ‘In Memoriam — 4 June 2021’. In commemorating the Beijing Protest Movement and its bloody denouement on 4 June 1989, we reproduced a prose-poem by Xu Zhangrun and recommended a number of essays and articles, in particular ‘On the Eve, April 1989’, and ‘China’s Spring’, by Orville Schell.… Read

In Memoriam — 4 June 2021

Spectres & Souls It is now over three and a half years since Xu Zhangrun called on the Chinese authorities to re-evaluate the tragic events surrounding 4 June 1989, the Beijing Massacre.… Read

Other People’s Thoughts, XXIII

Other People’s Thoughts is a section in the Journal of the China Heritage site. It is inspired by a compilation of quotations put together by Simon Leys (Pierre Ryckmans), one of our Ancestors, during his reading life.… Read

5.16 — Sorry, Not Sorry

Spectres & Souls   On 16 May 1966, the Communist Party secretly issued the ‘May Sixteenth Circular’《五·一六通知》 to party, state and army organisations throughout China. It was circulated down to the level of county party committees, party committees in the cultural organizations, and party committees at regimental level in the army.… Read

The Spectre of Prince Han Fei in Xi Jinping’s China

Spectres & Souls Vignettes, moments and meditations on
China and America, 1861-2021   ‘China’s Heart of Darkness — Prince Han Fei & Chairman Xi Jinping’, a five-part essay by Jianying Zha 查建英 offered readers a provocative study of the legacy of the ancient thinker Han Fei and the Legalist school in Xi Jinping’s China by one of contemporary Sino-America’s most insightful cultural critics.… Read

Other People’s Thoughts, XXII

Other People’s Thoughts is a section in the Journal of the China Heritage site. It is inspired by a compilation of quotations put together by Simon Leys (Pierre Ryckmans), one of our Ancestors, during his reading life.… Read