Don’t Let the Dogs Eat World Book Day

The Other China 噬犬   The 23rd April 2023 is designated by UNESCO as World Book and Copyright Day. It is an occasion to celebrate books as a ‘link between the past and the future, a bridge between generations and across cultures’.… Read

Vale — Edna, Les, Sandy & Barry

In Memoriam John Barry Humphries AO CBE, 17 February 1934-22 April 2023 *** ‘You mustn’t judge Australia by the Australians.’ ― Dame Edna Everage *** It was not just Barry Humphries who died on Saturday.… Read

The Passion of Jimmy Lai

Hong Kong Apostasy 受難記 The focus of Hong Kong Apostasy, a featured section in China Heritage, is the 2019-2020 Hong Kong Protest Movement and its aftermath. Starting in March 2019, mass protests against legislation proposed by the territory’s political leader gained momentum over the summer months.… Read

Dong Zhimin, Xu Zhiyong & Ding Jiaxi — Chen Qiushi on Legalised Rape and Outlawed Dissent in China Today

The Other China 強姦民意   The lawyer Chen Qiushi (陳秋實, 1985-) was one of the autonomous citizen-journalists who attempted to report on the outbreak of Covid-19 in February 2020. As Sebastian Veg noted at the time, Chen ‘already enjoyed something of a reputation as a self-proclaimed independent investigator, in particular as a result of a fledgling attempt to cover the 2019 Hong Kong protests for Mainland viewers.… Read

Other People’s Thoughts, XXXIV

Other People’s Thoughts is a section in the Journal of the China Heritage site. It is inspired by a compilation of quotations put together by Simon Leys (Pierre Ryckmans), one of our Ancestors, during his reading life.… Read

‘I Do Not Believe’ — Xu Zhiyong on being jailed, again

Xi Jinping’s Empire of Tedium Appendix XL 我不相信   Two of China’s most prominent human rights lawyers were sentenced on Monday [10 April 2023] to 14 years and 12 years in prison, some of the lengthiest such sentences in recent years and an indication of how the space for expression has evaporated under China’s leader, Xi Jinping.… Read