To what should we compare human life?
It should be compared to a wild goose trampling on the snow.
The snow retains for a moment the imprint of its feet;
the goose flies away no one knows where.
– Su Shi, trans. Simon Leys
— 蘇軾
The translation of the mid-Qing-dynasty Manchu Bannerman Lincing’s (Linqing 麟慶, 1791-1846) Tracks in the Snow 鴻雪因緣圖記 was undertaken by Yang Tsung-han 楊宗翰 at the suggestion of John Minford in the 1980s. Further work was done on these translations by Rachel May. Since 2015, Christina Sanderson has been collating and revising Professor Yang’s unfinished work and translating the remaining chapters of Tracks in the Snow. This translation with annotations and explication is being undertaken with the support of an Australian Research Council grant awarded to Geremie R. Barmé and John Minford under the title ‘Manchu Rivers, Manchu Mountains’.
Links to previously published chapters from Lincing’s illustrated memoir are provided below. New work will appear as it becomes available. the full translation with illustrations will be published in book form.
— Geremie R. Barmé
Editor, China Heritage
Tracks in the Snow 鴻雪因緣圖記 — Episodes from an Autobiographical Memoir by the Manchu Bannerman Lin-ch’ing 麟慶, translated by Yang Tsung-han 楊宗翰, edited by John Minford, from East Asian History, 6 (December 1993)
- Editor’s Remarks, by John Minford
- Foreword, ‘An Imperfect Understanding — A Memoir of Yang Tsung-han’, by Liu Ts’un-yan 柳存仁
- Preface, by P’an Shi-en 潘世恩
- Witnessing the Alchemic Orbs at Longevity Hall, 延年玩丹
- Presenting Verses to my Parents in the Gallery Ringed by Verdure 環翠呈詩
- Studying the Classics in Serenity Hall 靜存受經書
- Recollecting a Dream of the Temple of Gracious Clouds 慈雲尋夢
- Paying my Compliments to West Lake 西湖問水
- Practising Zen in the Monastry of Purity and Grace 淨慈坐禪
- Treading the Emerald Shade to Hidden Light Hermitage 韜光踏翠
- Watching the Ch’ien-t’ang Bore 錢塘觀潮
- Luring Fish at Jade Spring 魚引泉玉
More Tracks in the Snow (Renditions, Spring 1999)
- Introductory Note
- Climbing to Enjoy the Fragrance of the Garden of Good Cheer, Episode 23
- Seeking Out the Beauty of Orchid Pavilion, Episode 25
- Greeting the Crane in the Prefectural Garden, Episode 34
- Exploring the Beauty of the Sui Garden, Episode 51
- Verifying Documents in the Hall of Pomegranates, Episode 86
- Reminisces of the Past and the Tower of Lyric Incantation, Episode 137
- Enjoying the Cool in the Lotus Pavilion, Episode 145
- Sailing in the Boat ‘Green Wilderness’, Episode 153
- In Quest of Flowers at the Priory of the Twin Trees, Episode 154
- A Tea Party at the Peach Spring Fountain, Episode 155
Further Tracks in the Snow (China Heritage Quarterly)
- Mengxiang Discoursing on the I Ching 夢薌談易, Episode 44
- Observing the Rites at the Ancient Abode of Confucius 闕里觀禮, Episode 35
- Singing with the Spring, Tracks in the Snow
- Exploring the Beauty of the Sui Garden 隨園訪勝, Episode 51