Hong Kong Apostasy
Previously, Hong Kong, The Best China series has featured the unofficial anthem and protest song ‘Bring Back the Glory of Hong Kong’ 願榮光歸香港, along with an interview with its composer. See:
- ‘An Anthem to Restore Hong Kong’, China Heritage, 12 September 2019
There we also introduced our readers to two Cantonese renditions of the anthem:
- ‘Glory of Hong Kong’《願榮光歸香港》, music 曲: thomas dgx yhl; Lyrics: 詞: t, 眾連登仔, performed by the MV合唱團, with [provisional] English subtitles, YouTube, 31 August 2019; and,
- 《願榮光歸香港》, 管弦樂團及合唱團版, YouTube, 11 September 2019, by performers in ‘Full Protest Gear’.
We also recommend the sign-language version of the Anthem:
- 《願榮光歸香港》手語版, YouTube, 24 September 2019
Below we offer our English-language version of ‘Bring Back the Glory of Hong Kong’. It was recorded at Three Dog Hall 三犬堂 in Featherston, South Wairarapa, New Zealand, and produced by Three Dog Hall in collaboration with Le Quartier Français for The Wairarapa Academy for New Sinology.
— The Editor, China Heritage
24 September 2019
‘The Glory of Hong Kong’
Jyun6 wing4 gwong1
gwai1 Hoeng1 Gong2
Tune 曲: thomas, dgx, yhl
Lyrics 詞: t, 眾連登仔
Translated by John Minford
with Geremie R. Barmé
Arrangement: John Minford
Choral Group: ‘The Extreme Minority Singers of Featherston’
(John Minford, Garrick Emms, Marguerite Tait-Jamieson, Steve King and Jim Flack)
Recording: Geremie R. Barmé
The Video
To view our rendition of The Hong Kong Anthem, click on the following link (please note that this video loads slowly):
Featherston Sings for The Glory of Hong Kong
The Performers

The English Lyrics
‘The Glory of Hong Kong’
Translated by John Minford
With Geremie R. Barmé
Transcribed by Stephen King