Other People’s Thoughts is a section in the Journal of the China Heritage site. It is inspired by a compilation of quotations put together by Simon Leys (Pierre Ryckmans), one of our Ancestors, during his reading life.
Pierre remarked that the resulting modest volume of quotations was ‘idiosyncratically compiled for the amusement of idle readers’ (see Simon Leys, Other People’s Thoughts, 2007). Our aim is similar: to amuse our readers (idle or otherwise); as is our modus operandi: to build up an idiosyncratic compilation, one that reflects the interests of The Wairarapa Academy for New Sinology and its coterie.
In collecting this material, and by adding to it over time, we accord also with a Chinese literary practice in which quotations — sometimes called yǔlù 語錄, literally ‘recorded sayings’ — have a particular history, and a powerful resonance.

The most famous collection of recorded sayings is The Analects 論語, compiled by disciples of Confucius. Then there is the timeless 5000-words of Laozi’s The Tao and the Power 道德經, as well as the Chan/Zen 禪宗 tradition of what in English are known by the Japanese term kōan 公案, dating from the Tang dynasty. Modern imitations range from the political bon mots of Mao Zedong to excerpts from the prolix prose of Xi Jinping’s tireless speech writers, and published snippets from arm-chair philosophers and motivational speakers.
Other People’s Thoughts also finds inspiration in the ‘poetry talks’ 詩話, ‘casual jottings’ 筆記 and ‘marginalia’ 眉批 of China’s literary tradition.
— Geremie R. Barmé,
Editor, China Heritage
28 August 2024
Other People’s Thoughts I-XLVII:
- Other People’s Thoughts, China Heritage
Other People’s Thoughts, XLVIII
It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail.
— Gore Vidal
Here Be Dragons
Freaks are called freaks and are treated as they are treated — in the main, abominably — because they are human beings who cause to echo, deep within us, our most profound terrors and desires.
Most of us, however, do not appear to be freaks — though we are rarely what we appear to be. We are, for the most part, visibly male or female, our social roles defined by our sexual equipment.
But we are all androgynous, not only because we are all born of a woman impregnated by the seed of a man but because each of us, helplessly and forever, contains the other male in female, female in male, white in black and black in white. We are a part of each other. Many of my countrymen appear to find this fact exceedingly inconvenient and even unfair, and so, very often, do I. But none of us can do anything about it.
— James Baldwin, Playboy, 1985
— 李白,上李邕
The Madness of Musk
Musk, who controls a highly influential media platform, has a much documented history of promoting anti-trans views. He also loves sharing parenting advice with the world. One of the billionaire’s favourite talking points is that there is a fertility crisis and everyone needs to be popping out more children. He’s a little fuzzier on how people who don’t have billions in the bank are going to afford to look after all these children – perhaps because he doesn’t actually care about the kids themselves, he’s just interested in producing more cannon fodder for capitalism.
This obsession with making babies and apparent disdain for looking after children is one that’s widespread on the right. Republicans want to force women to give birth but they seem to have absolutely no interest in the welfare of these children after they exit the womb. There are a wealth of studies that show states with the toughest abortion laws have the weakest maternal support.
— Elon Musk’s 20-year-old estranged daughter responded to his rant about her, The Guardian, 27 July 2024
—— 網上流傳一個說法
Venn Diagrams
After a coup seized control of Argentina in 1976, they were banned from schools and textbooks, perceived by the ruling military junta as conducive to seditious ideas. Suddenly, when we’re given this context, the seemingly innocuous Venn diagram sculptures of Amalia Pica resonate with subversive, historical significance.
When this underworld emerges …
There exists a subterranean world where pathological fantasies disguised as ideas are churned out by crooks and half-educated fanatics [notably the lower clergy] for the benefit of the ignorant and superstitious. There are times when this underworld emerges from the depths and suddenly fascinates, captures and dominates multitudes of usually sane and responsible people, who thereupon take leave of sanity and responsibility. And it occasionally happens that this underworld becomes a political power and changes the course of history.
— Norman Cohn, Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World-Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 1966
Felix Diu Chun-hei at the Paris Olympics
When fencer Edgar Cheung Ka-long (張家朗) beat his Italian opponent to clinch gold, Italy launched a formal complaint alleging that the Taiwanese and Korean refs adjudicating the match were biased, simply by dint of also being Asian. Local branches of Pizza Hut responded with a special promotion on pineapple pizzas — a bid, if we may borrow the language of PRC state media, to hurt the feelings of the Italian people.
But you don’t have to win gold to win the internet. For another Hong Kong Olympian, sprinter Felix Diu Chun-hei (刁俊稀), it only took one appearance in the preliminary round of the men’s 100m dash. To understand why, you need to know a little about Cantonese swear words, amongst which “díu” (屌/) — a homonym for the athlete’s surname — reigns supreme. Like the F-word in the English language, “díu” can be used in nearly every context, and profanity-happy Hongkongers are often willing to give full play to its impressive versatility.
— Lingua Sinica Newsletter, 8 August 2024
Beneath the Candelabra
In 1988, Thorson published “Behind the Candelabra: My Life with Liberace,” a memoir about his time with Liberace. It included claims that the entertainer paid for Thorson to get plastic surgery, including a nose job and a chin implant, that made him look like a younger version of Liberace. During their six-year relationship, Thorson was part of Liberace’s Las Vegas act, appearing as his chauffeur — a gig that included driving the entertainer onto the stage, while outfitted in a rhinestone-encrusted uniform. Their relationship ended after Thorson got more heavily into drugs. He said Liberace bore some responsibility for his addiction, claiming that he began to abuse drugs after being prescribed quaaludes, amphetamine, cocaine and Demerol during recovery from the plastic surgery he underwent at the performer’s request.
— Brent Lang, Scott Thorson, Liberace’s Lover, Dies at 65, Variety, 26 August 2024
‘JD, JD, married lady, how you nauseate. There’s nothing as disgusting as a thirsty running mate. Oh, how this cracked Ohioan sure changed his act since he began, it seems like only just last night that he called Donald Hitler Light!’
— Randy Rainbow, YouTube, 27 August 2024
— 李承鵬,關於未來的無題,2024年8月11日
Martin on Kingsley
Aged seventy-three, he had just finished a book on the King’s English; and now English was a language the King no longer had. His fate was a brutal reminder. We are all of us held together by words; and when words go, nothing much remains.
— from Martin Amis, The Rub of Time: Bellow, Nabokov, Hitchens, Travolta, Trump: Essays and Reportage, 1994-2017
The Problem of Humanity
‘The real problem of humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology. And it is terrifically dangerous, and it is now approaching a point of crisis overall.’
— E.O. Wilson, father of sociobiology
The Requirements of Celebrity
Even unto death, an abundant head of hair is a requirement, along with a set of perfect teeth. If the hair is taken from an animal, even if it is the whole animal, and if the perfect teeth are blatantly a set of caps that jar with the tucked face like two rows of white plastic tombstones in the graveyard of a ruined church, still the requirements have been met. They are the requirements of celebrity, and to that extent millions of anonymous Americans behave as if they were famous.
— Clive James, Save Us from Celebrity, 2004
Matt Rife’s Insomnia
But at the live show in Atlantic City, he tried out a few minutes of material on his insomnia and his struggles with anxiety. It was slower, more sincere, and perhaps a bit uncomfortable for Rife and his audience. But it was also more compelling than the raunchy and bantering style he defaults to in his crowd work. “I was going to fuckin’ die,” he said of his bout of exhaustion earlier this summer, and explained that he’s had insomnia his whole life. “If one more fucking person says, ‘Have you tried melatonin?’ . . . If it’s at CVS, I’ve almost O.D.’d from it.” He continued, “The recommendation I hate the most is when people suggest: ‘Well, have you tried meditation?’ Kill yourself. I get it. If you’re looking at meditation on paper, it is the act of calming yourself down, being present, and slowing down your brain. I get that. It’s literally the thing I can’t do.”
— Matt Rife’s Sleepless Summer, The New Yorker,
PLA Corruption
‘Look at all the big black cars full of military men,’ said he. Then the aspect of the street came into focus. On the avenues, in front of the big supermarkets were big black cars, but also jeeps, and khaki army vehicles, not for a state of a siege but conveying men in uniform, and their families, to the shops.
Because there was no longer a distinctive uniform for officers, at first glance these men might all be simple soldiers — but not to Vincent or to me. Vincent could smell authority; and of course I could see it — in the leather shoes (rather than the plimsolls of the lower ranks), in the cut of the pockets, and the texture of the cloth jacket. But above all in that essential, smooth extra layer of fat on check and neck and the paunch waddle of authority. For in China, traditionally, health, wealth and happiness are transmuted into extra calories.
‘It’s becoming a military state,’ said Vincent crisply.
I protested. ‘No, it’s just that a lot of the military are now doing their shopping in the big cities.’
In 1964 it was high Party officials and their families who had requisitioned public motor cars for their private use; but now it was high army commanders. The crowds appeared indifferent, jostling amiably on the crowded pavements. But they saw, they registered; they paused, quietly stared, and then walked away.
‘Something will be done about it. Somehow, in China, someone always finally does something,’ I said.
It was late August 1970. And it was precisely at that time that the downfall of Lin Piao began.
— Han Suyin, My House Has Two Doors, 1980, p.530
2017,前所未有: Changes Unknown in a Century
— 蔡奇,十九大報告指明瞭中華民族偉大復興的前進方向,2017年10月19日
Al Pacino Remembers
Every few blocks were vacant lots where victory gardens had been planted at the height of the war. By then, they were wrecked and full of debris. Once in a while, when you looked down at the sidewalk along the lots, you’d see a blade of grass growing up out of the concrete. That’s what my friend, the acting teacher Lee Strasberg, once called talent: a blade of grass growing up out of a block of concrete.
— Early Scenes: Remembering a childhood in the South Bronx., The New Yorker, 26 August 2024
The Novelist
Encased in talent like a uniform,
The rank of every poet is well known;
They can amaze us like a thunderstorm,
Or die so young, or live for years alone.
They can dash forward like hussars: but he
Must struggle out of his boyish gift and learn
How to be plain and awkward, how to be
One after whom none think it worth to turn.
For, to achieve his lightest wish, he must
Become the whole of boredom, subject to
Vulgar complaints like love, among the Just
Be just, among the Filthy filthy too,
And in his own weak person, if he can,
Must suffer dully all the wrongs of Man.
— W.H. Auden
Nancy Pelosi
She’s what would happen if a Prada bag and a gun became a person.
— Pod Save America, 20 August 2024
You’re Fired
“Who is going to tell him that the job that he is currently seeking might just be one of those ‘black jobs’?”
— Michelle Obama, speech at the Democratic Party National Convention, 20 August 2024
Fat Elvis Imitator
Trump isn’t in his fat Elvis stage. He’s in his Fat Elvis imitator playing a Tuesday night gig at a gas station/casino/unlicensed brothel outside Elko, Nevada phase. There’s not going to be a comeback tour. Trump’s brain is broken. His campaign is broken.
He’s personally terrified. A loss means jail, bankruptcy, and humiliation at the hands of a black woman. It means he becomes a figure of mockery and derision, a Douchebag In His Labyrinth.
— Rick Wilson, Where’s Weirdo?, Substack, 8 August 2024
Death of a Patriarch
Trump is in the classic dictatorial position: He needs to die in bed holding all executive power to stay out of prison. This means that he will do whatever he can to gain power, and once in power will do all that he can to never let it go. This is a basic incentive structure which underlies everything else. It is entirely inconsistent with democracy.
— Timothy Snyder, quoted in Trump’s Second Term, The New York Times, 21 August 2024
Cetacean Ichor
If I may paraphrase an old trope, you’ll buy anything if you believe in nothing. Broadly, MAGA believes in nothing beyond Trump’s adulation, and so they’ve shed the last of the old conservative principles in their moment of panicked desperation and have found a new savior in Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (D-Pet Sematery) even if it means metaphorically riding in a minivan with a decapitated whale head dripping cetacean ichor on your children.
Last Friday, RFK Junior, former Democrat, decapitator of dead whales, molester of bears, falconry enthusiast, and admitted former heroin and sex addict, left his independent presidential run in the dustbin of history and endorsed Donald Trump for president. MAGA’s reaction has been a spectacular of irony, a moment of revelatory madness that shows just how futile it has been for the gentry conservative media to paper over Trumpism (“I hate the tweets but love his policies” and “It’s a choice between Trump and full communism.”) and how much the elected class has beclowned themselves.
— Rick Wilson, Dead Whales And Donald Trump: MAGA Merges With Madness, Substack, 26 August 2024
You said it, I trademarked it
‘Very mindful, very demure.’
— Jools Lebron, 2 August 2024