Responding to a Gesture of Support — Xu Zhangrun

Xu Zhangrun vs. Tsinghua University    On 19 July 2020, Xu Zhangrun, the professor of law cashiered by Tsinghua University, released an open letter addressed to independent-minded graduates of Tsinghua University and members of the Tsinghua community led by Yan Huai 閻淮 and Sun Nutao 孫怒濤 who had responded to a call for monetary donations to support the now-unemployed former professor.… Read

Xu Zhangrun & China’s Former People

Xu Zhangrun vs. Tsinghua University   Former People, Бывшие люди (Byvshiye lyudi), is the title of a novella by Maxim Gorky published in 1897. Known in English translation as Creatures That Once Were Men, Gorky’s story would inspire the Bolsheviks to employ the term ‘Former People’ when speaking about survivors of the defunct ancien regime.… Read

無可奈何 — So It Goes

Xu Zhangrun vs. Tsinghua University   The work of Professor Xu Zhangrun has featured in the virtual pages of China Heritage since August 2018. We were preparing to publish Professor Xu’s latest essay, one that he was writing to commemorate his famous Jeremiad —  ‘Imminent Fears, Immediate Hopes’ 我們當下的恐懼與期待 — but have been prevented from doing so as the author was detained by the authorities on the morning of Monday 6 July 2020.… Read