
Evaluations 褒貶 Words and Expressions with positive connotations 褒義詞:忠誠、忠於 [a person, job, state]、效忠、虔誠、老實、忠實、厚道、忠厚、誠實、忠心耿耿、赤膽忠心、忠貞不渝、 氣節、忠臣良將、節義文人 反某某;親某某 Words and Expressions with negative connotations 貶義詞:愚忠、陰險、奸詐、頑固、貳臣、奸臣、佞臣、三朝元老、三朝功臣、俯首稱臣、附逆、叛徒、漢奸、奸賊、賣國賊、離經叛道、蓄謀不軌 Expressions 成語 不食周粟;嗟來之食;特立獨行;拍案而起;橫眉怒對 Allusions 用典 伯夷、叔齊;採薇;太公釣魚,願者上鈎 [also a 歇後語] Metaphor 比興
Innuendo 影射
The Internet 網語 傻伯夷 [傻屄] Newspeak 新華文體 書生氣十足的不識抬舉的自由主義者;民主個人主義者;美國帝國主義者及其走狗國民黨反動派面;寧可倒下去,不願屈服;一個對自己國家的人民不負責任、開小差逃跑… 第二種忠誠;  … Read

Conflicting Loyalties

Geremie R. Barmé The friend-enemy dichotomy mentioned in the Proem is no simple, immutable analytic tool. The ‘dialectics’ of Chinese politics has seen the relative weight of supposedly progressive and retrogressive forces change over time, and occasionally with considerable abruptness.… Read


Who are our enemies? Who are our friends? This is a question of the first importance for the revolution.
誰是我們的敵人?誰是我們的朋友?這個問題是革命的首要問題。 — Mao Zedong 毛澤東 This quotation is from ‘Analysis of Classes in Chinese Society’, a 1925 document in which Mao Zedong proposed a sociological and strategic framework for the Chinese revolution.… Read

Ai Weiwei’s 艾未未 ‘Dumbass’ 傻伯夷

The artist-irritant Ai Weiwei was detained by the Chinese authorities in April 2011 (see ‘A View on Ai Weiwei’s Exit‘). He was released some eighty days later. Always one to make art out of life, Ai soon produced a installation work that reflected his incarceration.… Read